Privacy policy


Basic information on Data Protection




To process orders, requests or any type of request made by the user through any of the forms of contact made available to them.

With the prior consent of the interested party, sending commercial advertising communications by email, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future.

Commercial and administrative management of customers and suppliers.

Protection of goods and people.

Assess and manage, where appropriate, your Curriculum Vitae for selection processes that suit your professional profile and carry out the necessary actions for the selection and recruitment of personnel.


The consent given to us by the interested party to process their data for the purposes indicated.

Our legitimate interest in the development and protection of our business and image.

Compliance with the legal obligations that apply to us.


Professionals and companies necessary for the purposes indicated.

No data will be passed on to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.


You have the right to access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.

Further information

You can consult additional and detailed information about our Data Protection Policy in the following section.






Registered office at c/ Ramírez de Arellano 17 3º, 28043 Madrid

C.I.F. B-84504943

Telephone: +34 650 295 649




In the processing of personal data, SINGULAR BITES will respect the following principles:

Principle of lawfulness: personal data will be processed to the extent that at least one of the conditions provided for lawful processing is established: (i) when the data subject has given his consent; when the processing is necessary for (ii) the performance and management of a contract, (iii) compliance with a legal obligation, or (iv) the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the company or third parties.

Principle of good faith and purpose limitation: personal data will be collected and processed for specific purposes communicated to the data subject and, under no circumstances, for other purposes.

Principle of minimisation and limitation of storage: only personal data that are adequate, relevant and not excessive will be processed, and only for the time strictly necessary for their respective purposes.

Principle of transparency: data subjects shall be clearly informed about the main characteristics and measures for the protection of their personal data, in particular about the respective purposes of processing and possible transmission to third parties.

Principle of necessity of access: access to personal data processed by SINGULAR BITES shall only be granted to employees and collaborators whose duties so require.



Contact details: name and surname, telephone number, e-mail address, address.

Identification data of natural persons: DNI / Identity document.

Academic and professional data: training and qualifications, professional experience.



  • If you provide us with Personal Data of third parties, you guarantee that you have informed them about the purposes and the way in which we need to process their personal data.
  • If a third party has provided us with your data we will process it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.



All data processed by SINGULAR BITES have been freely provided by the interested party.

In the event that the application included personal data by persons not holders of these, the user must, prior to their inclusion, inform those persons of the points contained in the preceding paragraphs. SINGULAR BITES disclaims any liability for failure to comply with this requirement.

By providing your data by any of the means provided, you guarantee the accuracy of the data provided and agree to communicate any changes that occur in them.

Remember that, when we ask you to fill in your personal data to give you access to some functionality or service, we will mark some fields as compulsory, as they are data we need to be able to provide you with the service in question. Please note that if you choose not to provide us with this information, you may not be able to take advantage of these services or functionalities or submit your request.

Where on the website we collect your data:

  • Through the registration form on the site
  • When you request a discount code
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter
  • When you shop online.
  • Through our email you can write to us and/or request the information you consider necessary to clarify any doubts related to our services or the operation of our website.



Users / surfers of the Responsible's website.

  • We will process your personal data provided through our web forms in order to:
  • Make your online purchases.
  • Respond to requests, complaints and incidents made through our contact channels incorporated into the website.
  • To comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
  • To protect and exercise our rights or respond to claims of any kind.
  • Where appropriate, to send commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.

Customers and suppliers.

We will process your personal data provided for:

  • The management of the commercial relationship.
  • The provision of the services you have contracted from us.
  • Management related to the shipment and reception of the product purchased through this website.
  • Administrative, accounting and tax management.
  • To deal with requests, complaints and incidents sent through our established contact channels.
  • To understand the behaviour of the surfer within the website in order to detect possible computer attacks on our website.
  • Where appropriate, send commercial communications relating to the goods or services that make up our activity, and/or news or bulletins related to our sector.
  • To comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
  • To protect and exercise our rights or respond to claims of any kind.

Job applicants

  • To evaluate and manage, where appropriate, your curriculum vitae for selection processes that adapt to your professional profile and to carry out the necessary actions for the selection and recruitment of personnel.

Video surveillance

  • Security of people and facilities, by means of cameras installed at different points in our facilities.



Users / surfers of the Responsible's website.

  • In the consent you have given us to process your data for the purposes indicated. Refusal to provide your personal data will make it impossible to process your data for the aforementioned purposes.
  • To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the interested party may not refuse the processing of personal data.

Customers and suppliers.


  • The implementation, at the request of the data subject, of pre-contractual measures (quotations, order forms, service offers, etc.).
  • Execution of a contract to which you are a party or implementation of pre-contractual measures.
  • Legitimate interest (sending requested information, answering queries, etc.).
  • To comply with the legal obligations that apply to us. In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data.
  • In our legitimate interest to protect our image, business and track record by preventing attacks on our website. In this case, the data subject may not object to the processing of personal data, although he or she may exercise, where appropriate, the rights recognised in section eight of this policy.

Job applicants.

  • In the consent you have given us to process your data in order to analyse it and, if it meets our needs, to start the selection process.

Video surveillance

  • Legitimate interest of the Data Controller.


The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they are collected. Once this period has expired, we will keep your data duly stored and protected for the legally required periods of limitation. Once the statute of limitations has expired, we will delete the personal data.

Once blocked, your data will be inaccessible to SINGULAR BITES, and will not be processed by it, except to make them available to public authorities, judges and courts, for the attention of possible liabilities arising from the processing, as well as for the exercise and defence of claims before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


The website does not make automated decisions nor does it create profiles.



To fulfill the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, it is necessary that we give access to your personal data to entities that support us in the services we offer, namely:

  • SINGULAR BITES collaborators.
  • Financial entities
  • Social Security
  • Tax Agency

Apart from those mentioned above, SINGULAR BITES will not pass on personal data to third parties, except as required by law. However, in the case of being transferred to a third party, the user will be informed beforehand, requesting express consent for such transfer. The entity responsible for the database, as well as those who intervene in any phase of the processing and/or the entities to whom the data has been communicated - in any case always with the corresponding authorisation granted by the user - are obliged to observe professional secrecy and to adopt the levels of protection and the necessary technical and organisational measures within their reach to guarantee the security of the personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorised access, illicit modifications, theft and/or loss of data, in order to ensure the corresponding level of security of the files, according to the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by the users of this website.

We also inform you that our entity uses basic information storage systems in the cloud through the service provider in the United States Google Drive, a technology company that currently offers all the guarantees required in terms of data protection. This is why this entity appears on the official lists of entities with security guarantees that can be consulted at the following link:

During the period of processing, SINGULAR BITES will carry out the legal transfers provided for, management with banks and organisations or persons directly related to the data controller.


SINGULAR BITES does not carry out any International D.



You can exercise any of the rights explained below, simply by telling us the reason for your request and the right you wish to exercise. If we consider it necessary to identify you, we may ask you for a copy of a document proving your identity.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

  • Right of access:

The interested party through the exercise of this right can know what personal data of yours are being processed by SINGULAR BITES, its purpose, origin or possible transfer to third parties and, in such case, has the right to access them.

  • Right of rectification:

The interested party shall have the right to request SINGULAR BITES to rectify any data that is inaccurate or incomplete, and must specify in the request which data he/she wishes to be modified.

  • Right of Cancellation:

The interested party shall have the right to request SINGULAR BITES to delete personal data concerning him/her when, among other reasons, they are inadequate or excessive or are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

  • Right of portability:

The data subject may receive his or her personal data provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and be able to transmit it to another data controller, provided that this is technically possible.

  • Right to Restriction of Processing:

The data subject may, in certain circumstances, request that we restrict the processing of their data, in which case we will only retain them for the exercise or defence of claims.

  • Right to object:

The data subject, with the right to object, may oppose the non-processing of their data in cases such as: advertising and commercial prospecting activities or where such processing is intended to take a decision concerning you based solely on automated processing of your personal data.

  • Right to be forgotten:

The data subject may request the erasure of personal data without undue delay where one of the cases referred to above applies. For example, unlawful data processing, or when the purpose for which the data was processed or collected has disappeared.


How to exercise the above rights?

The interested party may exercise their rights by sending a written request, with the reference "Data Protection", attaching a copy of your ID card or equivalent identification document to:

SINGULAR BITES to the address, previously detailed, of the Data Controller, or the email account detailed above in the Contact the Controller.

  • Right to withdraw consent:

The data subject may at any time revoke the consent given for the processing of their data by writing to SINGULAR BITES at the address, previously detailed, of the Data Controller, or the email address previously detailed in the Contact of the Data Controller, with the reference Data Protection, attaching a copy of your ID card or equivalent identification document, without this revocation of consent affecting the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

  • Right to complain to the Control Authority:

In any case, the data subject may, if he/she understands that his/her rights have been infringed, lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, with address at calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 Madrid, telephone 901 100 099, and website



The party responsible for the file has adopted the legally required levels of security for the protection of Personal Data, and has installed all the technical means and measures available according to the state of technology to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the Personal Data provided, in order to ensure their privacy. And undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the data included in the file.

The user is subject to the confidentiality and duty of secrecy of all those who process the data in the name and on behalf of the user. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the user is aware of the possibility that the security of communications through the network may not be invulnerable.

The user's personal data are treated by SINGULAR BITES under the strictest confidentiality, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data being processed.

For the management and storage of data, it uses Information Systems that involve the international transfer of information to third countries.



The communications made by e-mail or by any other electronic means will be those necessary to process your request.

In no case will they be used for other purposes or transferred to third parties. SINGULAR BITES is clearly positioned against 'spam', so in no case will use personal data for sending unsolicited commercial communications without your permission.

However, they will be those that have been expressly consented to or authorised by the recipients in accordance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, except as provided by Article 21.2 of the same Act, in the wording given by the First Final Provision of the new General Telecommunications Act.



SINGULAR BITES has a corporate profile on the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin. Thus, under the provisions of the rules of Protection of Personal Data, SINGULAR BITES is "Responsible for the processing of your data" by reason of the existence of such profiles on social networks and the fact that you follow us and we can follow you.

The above means that, if you decide to join our corporate profile as a follower or by giving a "Like" or "Like" to our content or profile, you accept this policy, where we explain your rights and how we use your data.

As the party responsible for the processing of your data, we guarantee confidentiality in the processing and compliance with your rights, always under the effects of the aforementioned regulations.

On the other hand, we inform you that we will use these social networks to announce news or relevant information related to the services we offer, or on topics that we consider to be of interest to you. By using the functionalities of these platforms, it is possible that you may receive on your wall or in your profile news with this type of information.

However, we also let you know that there is no link between SINGULAR BITES and such platforms or social networks, so you will accept its policy of use and conditions once you access them and / or validate their notices, terms and conditions in the registration procedure, not being responsible SINGULAR BITES for the use or processing of your data that is done outside the strict relationship and provision of services indicated in this policy.



SINGULAR BITES reserves the right to modify its Data Protection Policy at its discretion, due to a change in regulations or organizational practice. Such changes will be published on this website, providing the necessary resources to the user to access the reading of them. In any case, the relationship with users will be governed by the rules in force at the precise moment of accessing this website.

You can also consult Google's privacy policy here:

Last updated: 30 March 2022.